Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nøgne Ø: Saison – A Summertime Favorite

Originally brewed in Belgium as mild refreshments for seasonal farm workers, these ales today have a slightly higher alcohol content than those that quenched the thirst of these seasonal works, but they are still ideally suited as refreshments for hot summer days. In my view, and among those posting reviews on ratebeer.com and beeradvocate.com, Nøgne Ø’s Saison is one of the better representations of this beer style. 

If you’ve read my other Nøgne Ø reviews, you’ll know that I’m quite fond of the company’s packaging. The simplicity and distinctiveness of the company’s red “Ø” surrounded by a black label attached to a half-liter brown bottle immediately gives away its Norwegian origins. 

Breaking open the bottle and pouring a glass of this 6.5 percent ABV beverage reveals the ale’s opaque golden color, amazingly well retained head and commendable level of carbonation. The appearance is accompanied by a decent aroma, with hints spices and fruits – notably citrus. The Saison’s taste is similar to the nose, with a medium body peppered by a complexity of sweet fruit and herbal tastes and a somewhat dry mouth feel. The sweetness continues through to the finish, transitioning into a lingering, but ever so mild bitterness. Other tastes can also be found, although I have not found some of those mentioned by other fellow beer fans. One ratebeer.com commenter mentions “an explosion of raspberries”, while another reviewer mentions coriander. A few reviewers on beeradvocate.com mention apples and pears. Given the complexity of the flavoring in Nøgne’s Siason, I am sure you’ll find some if not all of these at some point.

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