Thursday, December 29, 2011

Grans: Julebrygg – One of life’s amusing contradictions

Sometimes life’s surprises are amusing in a contradictory sort of way. And for me at least, drinking Grans Julebrygg is one of those occasions. As a background to those unfamiliar with Grans products, the company is one of Norway’s larger beverage producers and well…their beers can be total drain pours (see my Ratebeer rating for Grans Lade Gaards Mørk Lager). But Grans Julebrygg is a definite hit and, in my opinion, one of the most flavorful low ABV Christmas beers put out by a Norwegian macro-brewery. As Ratebeer’s ClubGonzo rightfully points out, Grans Julebrygg is “a definite Christmas beer by Scandinavian standards, while still being very original in style, compared to the Norwegian market”. 

The Julebrygg experience begins with a dark amber color and a robust, foamy beige head. Wow, the lacing is solid! Is this really a Grans product? Giving it a whiff reveals a powerful array of sweet malts, caramel, and lots of raisins – certainly more potent than other julebryggs out there. Is ask again, is this really a Grans product? Overall, the taste pretty well balanced and closely resembles the aroma; Lots of dried fruit – primarily raisins, along with some bready, malty, and caramel flavors. The mouthfeel is a bit too watery for a julebrygg, although the carbonation is pretty active.

So, finally, I’ve found a Grans product that I can actually drink, but also one that I can thoroughly enjoy and for a reasonable price.  Overall, Grans Julebrygg is a really good value and an amusing contradiction to some of their other products.


Grans Bryggeri:

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